25 Most Important MCQ Questions on Insect-Pests Tomato Crop (2024).
Here are the 25 MCQ questions on insect pests of tomato crop, along with detailed explanations highly important for every Agriculture/Horticulture based competitive exams:-
Hope The Better.
Here are the 25 MCQ questions on insect pests of tomato crop, along with detailed explanations highly important for every Agriculture/Horticulture based competitive exams:-
हरियाणा कृषि विश्वविद्यालय (HAU), हिसार ने वर्षों से सरसों की कई उन्नत किस्में विकसित की हैं, जो विभिन्न प्रकार की जलवायु और कृषि परिस्थितियों के लिए उपयुक्त हैं। ये किस्में…
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