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Top Fungicides for Controlling Downy Mildew in India

Introduction to Downy Mildew

Downy mildew is a significant threat to various crops in India, especially during the monsoon season, when humidity levels are high. The disease affects a wide range of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals, leading to substantial yield losses if not managed effectively. Fungicides are a crucial part of managing downy mildew, and several options are available that are widely used across India.

1. Mancozeb

Description: Mancozeb is a widely used broad-spectrum fungicide in India. It is particularly effective against downy mildew and other fungal diseases due to its multi-site mode of action.

Mode of Action: Mancozeb acts as a contact fungicide, meaning it must be applied before the fungus infects the plant. It prevents fungal spores from germinating on the plant surface.

Application in India: Mancozeb is extensively used on crops like grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Trade NameUseCrops
Indofil M-45Protects against downy mildewGrapes, Vegetables
Dithane M-45Controls fungal diseasesPotatoes, Onions
Mancozeb 75% WPPreventive fungicideTomatoes, Peppers
MoximateBroad-spectrum protectionCucurbits, Fruits
ManzebMulti-crop fungicideGrapes, Bananas
UnizebProtection against mildewVegetables
SaafCombination fungicideVegetables, Fruits
PentathlonDisease preventionOrnamentals, Crops
SanzebGeneral-purpose fungicideVarious crops
Dithane UltraEnhanced disease controlVegetables, Fruits

2. Chlorothalonil

Description: Chlorothalonil is another popular broad-spectrum fungicide in India, known for its effectiveness against downy mildew and other fungal diseases.

Mode of Action: Chlorothalonil works by forming a protective barrier on the plant surface, preventing fungal spores from germinating and infecting the plant.

Application in India: It is widely used on crops like grapes, cucumbers, potatoes, and ornamentals.

Trade NameUseCrops
BravoBroad-spectrum disease controlGrapes, Vegetables
KavachProtects against downy mildewGrapes, Cucumbers
Daconil 2787Turf and crop protectionPotatoes, Onions
EchoBroad-spectrum fungicideGrapes, Vegetables
Exotherm TermilSpecialty fungicideVarious crops
NopcocideWide application in cropsVegetables, Fruits
RepulsePrevents fungal diseasesOrnamentals
TuffcideEffective against downy mildewCrops, Fruits
VeritaMulti-crop useGrapes, Vegetables
PrestopOrganic fungicide optionVegetables, Herbs

3. Metalaxyl

Description: Metalaxyl is a systemic fungicide that is particularly effective against downy mildew. It is widely used in India for both its preventive and curative properties.

Mode of Action: Metalaxyl is absorbed by the plant and moves throughout the tissues, protecting both new and existing growth from fungal infection.

Application in India: It is commonly used on potatoes, onions, cucumbers, and other vegetables.

Trade NameUseCrops
Ridomil GoldSystemic protectionPotatoes, Vegetables
MatcoCombined with other fungicidesOnions, Cucurbits
CurexPreventive and curative actionVegetables, Fruits
Subdue MaxxTurf and crop protectionOrnamentals, Crops
Acyl-MLong-lasting disease controlPotatoes, Onions
Ridomil MZSystemic fungicide mixGrapes, Vegetables
MasterMulti-site activityCucumbers, Peppers
ElectisCombination fungicideVegetables, Fruits
FungalexBroad-spectrum fungicideVarious crops
MetamilEffective mildew controlGrapes, Tomatoes

4. Azoxystrobin

Description: Azoxystrobin is a systemic fungicide that offers broad-spectrum protection against downy mildew and other fungal diseases. It is widely used in India due to its unique mode of action.

Mode of Action: Azoxystrobin inhibits mitochondrial respiration in fungal cells, preventing them from growing and reproducing. It provides both protective and curative action.

Application in India: Azoxystrobin is used on a variety of crops, including vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

Trade NameUseCrops
AmistarBroad-spectrum disease controlGrapes, Vegetables
QuadrisSystemic and translaminar actionRice, Cereals
StrobePrevents and cures fungal issuesFruits, Vegetables
OrtivaLong-lasting disease controlVegetables, Fruits
HeritageTurf and ornamental protectionOrnamentals, Turf
DynastySeed treatment fungicideCereals, Crops
MiradorEffective against mildewGrapes, Cucumbers
TiltCrop disease preventionWheat, Barley
BankitMulti-crop fungicideGrapes, Vegetables
SopranoBroad-spectrum protectionFruits, Vegetables

5. Fosetyl-Al

Description: Fosetyl-Al is a systemic fungicide that provides excellent control of downy mildew. It is widely used in India due to its dual action as a preventive and curative treatment.

Mode of Action: Fosetyl-Al enhances the plant’s natural defenses and directly inhibits fungal growth.

Application in India: Fosetyl-Al is commonly applied to grapes, cucumbers, and other vegetables.

Trade NameUseCrops
AliettePrevents and controls mildewGrapes, Vegetables
FosetylSystemic disease controlCucumbers, Fruits
MasterDual action fungicideGrapes, Vegetables
PhosetylDisease prevention and cureVegetables, Herbs
PagosEffective against mildewGrapes, Cucurbits
AlfilBroad-spectrum systemic actionFruits, Vegetables
Fosetyl-Al 80Multi-site activityGrapes, Vegetables
PlantvaxSystemic and translaminar actionVegetables, Fruits
Aliette FlashFast-acting fungicideGrapes, Vegetables
AgrofosProtects against fungal diseasesVarious crops

6. Cymoxanil

Description: Cymoxanil is a systemic fungicide often used in combination with other fungicides for effective downy mildew control in India.

Mode of Action: Cymoxanil penetrates plant tissue and stops the spread of disease, even after infection has occurred.

Application in India: It is commonly used on potatoes, tomatoes, and grapes.

Trade NameUseCrops
CurzatePreventive and curative actionPotatoes, Tomatoes
TattooCombination fungicideGrapes, Vegetables
TandemBroad-spectrum disease controlTomatoes, Cucumbers
TrustySystemic and contact actionVegetables, Fruits
FytolanilEffective mildew controlGrapes, Tomatoes
MangalilMulti-site activityVegetables, Fruits
PropavilDual mode of actionGrapes, Potatoes
CymatilDisease prevention and cureTomatoes, Cucurbits
CymoxylEnhanced disease controlVegetables, Fruits
MoximateBroad-spectrum mildew controlGrapes, Vegetables

7. Dimethomorph

Description: Dimethomorph is a systemic fungicide specifically targeting downy mildew and other oomycete fungi, widely used in India.

Mode of Action: Dimethomorph disrupts the formation of fungal cell walls, preventing the spread and growth of the fungus.

Application in India: It is commonly applied to grapes, cucumbers, and other susceptible crops.

Trade NameUseCrops
AcrobatDowny mildew controlGrapes, Cucumbers
ForumSystemic and contact actionVegetables, Fruits
Dimethomorph 50%Protects against mildewGrapes, Vegetables
InvaderDisease prevention and cureCucumbers, Tomatoes
Dimethomorph WPMulti-site activityGrapes, Vegetables
MorocidOomycete disease controlVegetables, Fruits
ProPlantEffective mildew managementGrapes, Cucurbits
MorodimDual mode of actionCucumbers, Potatoes
MordantSystemic fungicide for mildewGrapes, Tomatoes
MorphosDisease prevention and treatmentVarious crops


Managing downy mildew effectively requires the right choice of fungicides, considering the specific needs of the crop and the local environment. The fungicides listed above are some of the most commonly used in India, each offering unique benefits in the fight against this pervasive disease. Farmers are advised to follow proper application guidelines and rotate fungicides to prevent resistance buildup.

FAQ: Managing Downy Mildew with Top Fungicides in India

Q1: What is downy mildew, and why is it a concern in India?
A: Downy mildew is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of crops, particularly during the humid monsoon season in India. It can cause significant yield losses by attacking the leaves, stems, and sometimes even fruits of plants, leading to reduced photosynthesis and eventual plant death if not controlled.

Q2: How do fungicides help in controlling downy mildew?
A: Fungicides help in controlling downy mildew by either preventing the fungus from infecting the plant or by stopping its spread after infection. They work through various modes of action, such as forming a protective barrier on the plant surface, inhibiting fungal respiration, or disrupting the formation of fungal cell walls.

Q3: What are some of the most effective fungicides for downy mildew in India?
A: Some of the most effective fungicides for controlling downy mildew in India include Mancozeb, Chlorothalonil, Metalaxyl, Azoxystrobin, Fosetyl-Al, Cymoxanil, and Dimethomorph. Each of these fungicides offers specific benefits and is used on different crops.

Q4: Can I use the same fungicide for all crops affected by downy mildew?
A: While some fungicides like Mancozeb and Chlorothalonil have broad-spectrum activity and can be used on multiple crops, it’s important to choose a fungicide that is specifically labeled for the crop you are treating. This ensures maximum effectiveness and reduces the risk of developing resistance.

Q5: How should fungicides be applied to control downy mildew effectively?
A: Fungicides should be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions, typically as a preventive measure before symptoms appear or at the first sign of infection. It’s crucial to ensure thorough coverage of the plant, especially the undersides of leaves where downy mildew spores often germinate.

Q6: What precautions should I take when using fungicides?
A: When using fungicides, always wear protective gear, such as gloves, masks, and goggles, to prevent exposure. Follow the recommended dosages and application intervals to avoid phytotoxicity and the development of fungicide resistance. Additionally, rotating different fungicides with varying modes of action is advisable to maintain their effectiveness.

Q7: Are there organic options available for controlling downy mildew?
A: Yes, there are organic fungicides like copper-based products and biological controls that can help manage downy mildew. These are particularly useful for organic farming practices but may require more frequent applications and careful monitoring.

Q8: How can I prevent the development of fungicide resistance in downy mildew management?
A: To prevent fungicide resistance, rotate between fungicides with different modes of action, avoid over-reliance on a single fungicide, and always use the recommended dosage. Additionally, integrating cultural practices like crop rotation, resistant varieties, and proper spacing can help reduce disease pressure.

Q9: Can downy mildew be completely eradicated with fungicides?
A: While fungicides can effectively manage and control downy mildew, they may not completely eradicate the disease, especially in heavily infected areas. The goal is to keep the disease at manageable levels and prevent severe outbreaks.

Q10: What should I do if a fungicide is not working against downy mildew?
A: If a fungicide is not effective, it may be due to resistance, improper application, or using a product that is not suited for the specific crop or fungal strain. In such cases, consider switching to a different fungicide with a different mode of action and consult with an agricultural expert for tailored advice.

By Wasim Ilyas Akram

दोस्तों, मैं एक एग्रीकल्चर ग्रेजुएट हूं और पिछले लगभग 5 सालों से मैं किसान समुदाय के लिए काम कर रहा हूं। मैंने Centre Of Excellence For Vegetables, Gharaunda में नर्सरी एक्सपर्ट के पद पे कार्य किया है और पौध उत्पादन में करीब 5 साल दिए हैं। इसके अलावा हमारा एक YouTube चैनल AAS TV के नाम से है, जिसपे हम लगातार videos की शक्ल में खेती से जुड़ी उन्नत जानकारी साझा करते हैं। आप भी हमारे साथ इस मुहिम में आज़ ही जुड़िए।

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